1. Keeping business books of trading companies
2. Keeping business books for craftsmen
3. Business operation follow-up of representative offices of foreign companies
4. Elaboration of financial reports and tax balances of trading companies
5. Elaboration of financial reports of physical persons and independent activities
6.Tax counselling
7. Consulting services

1/ Keeping business books

· Diary
· Main Book (balance records
  and off-balance items)
· Ledgers
· Cash book – domestic currency
· Cash book – foreign currency
· Received invoice book
· Issued invoice book
· Records of capital assets
· Prijava poreza na dodanu vrijednost
· VAT report
· VAT accounting
· Payroll accounts, etc.
2/ Keeping business books of handicrafts  

· Book of receipts and disbursements
· Turnover book
· List of lasting assets
3/ Business operation follow-up of representative offices of foreign companies 

· Diary
· Main Book (balance records and off-balance items)
· Ledgers
· Cash book – domestic currency
· Cash book – foreign currency
· Received invoice book
· Issued invoice book
· Records of capital assets
· Payroll accounts
· Monthly business report of the Representative Office
· Annual business report of the Representative Office
4/ Elaboration of financial reports and tax balances of trading companies  

· Balance of accounts (systematic review of assets, capital and obligations on certain date)
· Profit and loss account (shows income and expenditures and the financial result)
· Corporate income tax report
· Accounting of royalties for using forest functions of general interest
· Accounting of the Tourist Community fee
· Statistical report of entrepreneurs – quarterly
· Statistical report of entrepreneurs – annual
5/ Elaboration of financial reports for physical persons and independent activities 

· Income tax report
· VAT report
6/ Tax counselling 

Counselling of entrepreneurs in the sense of investments, business operations and processing of business, with regard to tax consequences and the tax obligations stipulated by the Law.
7/ Consulting services 

· All types of consulting referring to entrepreneur’s accountancy
· Assistance in establishing and keeping different necessary records (records of employees, assets inventory…)
· Assistance in status changes of the company (merger, consolidation, division…)
· Information on proper state of bookkeeping documents, their control, ways of keeping, etc.
· Consulting on introducing or reorganising business follow-up using computers, including consulting on appropriate adjustment of software packages.